- 证明复变函数中的刘维尔定理在调和函数中的一种推广。 An extension form of Liouville's theorem about analytic functions for general harmonic functions is proved.
- 频散可控格式的一种推广形式及其在爆轰波马赫反射中应用 A General Form of the Dispersion-controlled Dissipative Scheme and Its Application in Detonation Problems
- 史密斯对一种新塑料的实验获得了成功,收到了很好的效果。 Smith's experiment on a new kind of plastic has caught on and he's got a good result.
- 脉冲法--求取线性系统传递函数的一种简便方法 Impulse Method--A Simple Method for Seeking the Transfer Function of Linear System
- 集合笛卡儿积集中文氏图的一种推广 A Popularize of Venn Diagraph in Cartesian Product
- 强大数定律的一种推广形式 A More General Form of Strong Law of Large Number
- 关于可加模糊集函数的一种分解 Decomposition for Additive Fuzzy Set Functions
- 一种推广的Bernstein定理 A Generalized Bernstein Theorem
- 曲线图一种能在坐标平面上表示某一函数的图形 The graph of a function on a coordinate plane.
- 白兰地从葡萄酒或发酵果汁中蒸发出来的一种含酒精的烈酒 An alcoholic liquor distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice.
- 一种推广的连续情形经济投资模型 The Applied Investment Model at the Continous case
- 绿色食品需求函数的一种求解方法 A Method for Inducing the Demand Function of Green Food
- 电晕在电晕放电中在高压电极出现的一种微弱光辉,常伴随有朝向低压电极的电流 A faint glow enveloping the high-field electrode in a corona discharge, often accompanied by streamers directed toward the low-field electrode.
- 这些函数不过被看作是一种变态或是函数的不健康部分。 They were also regarded as diseases or part of the morbid pathology of functions.
- 分形中计盒维数的一种推广 The Generalization of Lower Box Dimension in Fractal Theory
- 一种基于开关函数的逆变器新型模型 A novel inverter model based on switch function
- 一致有界原理的一种推广形式 A Generalized form of the Uniform Boumdedness Primciple
- 一种基于总量风险函数的改进BP算法 An Improved BP Algorithm Based on Gross Risk Function
- 浅谈简单连分数形式的一种推广 On Brief Introduction of Complex Fraction of a Kind